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  • All categories
  • Automation
  • Vibration motors
  • Hydraulics
  • Sensors
  • Valves
  • Compressors
  • Pumps
  • Drives
  • Food valves
  • Heat exchangers


ABR1E111M Interface BX 1NO 230V +LED
ABR1E111M Interface BX 1NO 230V +LED
ABR1E112F Interface BX 1NO 110-127V +LED
ABR1E112F Interface BX 1NO 110-127V +LED
ABR1E118B Interface BX 1CO 24V +LED
ABR1E118B Interface BX 1CO 24V +LED
ABR1E311M Input interface 1ZO 230V +LED
ABR1E311M Input interface 1ZO 230V +LED
ABR1E318B Interface BX 1ZO 24V +LED
ABR1E318B Interface BX 1ZO 24V +LED
ABR1E411M Input interface 2NO 230V +LED
ABR1E411M Input interface 2NO 230V +LED

Reliable automation tools from world brands with a quality guarantee

Automation refers to devices that perform work without a person. The development of various types of automation systems takes place in industrial and home systems. The main purpose of the introduction of automation devices and tools in production is to increase the profit of a highly efficient enterprise.

Scope of application of the devices

Automatic technical means are part of any electrical network, transport and industrial enterprises, pipelines, and integrated security systems. Modern automation tools improve:

  • Product quality;
  • reliable power supply;
  • labor productivity:
  • production culture;
  • management processes.

Every step beyond mechanization reduces capital investment, reduces operating costs for fuel and electricity. Automated technologies allow you to quickly rebuild production lines to produce new products.

Solving practical problems

Thanks to the development of automation tools and innovative technological equipment, it was possible to remove people from industries that are dangerous to health. The time for preparatory operations has been significantly reduced, and the utilization rate of industrial installations has increased. The use of automation has increased the proportion of creative and highly intelligent work.

Progress has made it possible to carry out work related to extreme conditions in automatic mode. For example, extinguishing fires, working in conditions of radioactivity at nuclear power plants, on high-rise structures, research at great depths, mine clearance.

Classification by characteristics

According to the type of energy used, automatic devices are divided into electric, hydraulic, pneumatic and combined. Electronic devices are allocated to a separate group. Although they use power supply, the devices perform special measuring or computing functions.

According to their purpose, the devices are classified into automation controls. actuators, transducers, amplification, correction and interface devices. Computing devices, as a rule, are based on microprocessors.

How to buy tested funds

Our company has been successfully supplying automatic devices from leading global companies for many years. We have organized an established delivery system for orders from legal entities in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. Apply with an application, and you will receive certified means of control and management of modern automation at the best price, with a quality guarantee.