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Double-sided hydraulic locks


The functional purpose of all types of hydraulic locks is the static retention of hydraulic cylinders in the desired position under conditions of increased workloads. Hydraulic locks set the direction of the cylinder cavities to perform:

  • locking (locking) of the assembly units;
  • passing the flow of process fluid in two directions.

As a rule, hydraulic locks are installed between the cylinder and the distributor. Thanks to the reliable fixation, oil leakage in the shut-off and control device is excluded here. The SALUTECH company implements hydraulic locks of various modifications and accepts orders from organizations and individuals with prompt delivery.

Characteristics and applications of double-sided hydraulic locks

The function of bidirectional valves in the shut-off and control unit of the hydraulic system is performed by special devices: double-sided hydraulic locks. With the help of a two-way hydraulic lock, the hydraulic cylinder is stalled simultaneously in 2 directions.

Hydraulic locks with double-sided passage of hydraulic fluid lock the flow in one of the cavities of the double-sided cylinder. The flow will resume when the pressure in the other line is applied. Hydraulic locks having a double-acting design are most often placed on:

  • car towers;
  • pressing equipment;
  • hydraulic lifting devices.