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Ultrasonic flow meters
  • All categories
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Ultrasonic flow meters


Due to the acoustic principle of the device, the ultrasonic flow meter counts without obstructing the movement of various liquids, gases and oil-water mixtures. Its operation does not depend on the electrical conductivity, viscosity, temperature or pressure of the medium passing through the pipeline, and this gives reason to consider such a metering device universal. The acoustic principle of flow measurement has many advantages:

  • Almost complete absence of hydro-pneumatic resistance;
  • Reliable operation due to the absence of movable mechanical components and parts;
  • Comparatively high measurement accuracy;
  • The absence of interference and the speed of the design.

Areas of use of ultrasonic flowmeters

Ultrasonic liquid and gas flowmeters are produced in a wide range. PU is in demand in various industries.

Branch What is measured
Chemical industry Liquid hydrocarbons, media with low electrical conductivity, including raw materials
Power plants Demineralized water of cooling systems, steam lines, superheated oil, salt melts
Public utilities Water treatment systems, wastewater, compressed air consumption accounting
Oil and gas industry Oil refining products, gas consumption, commercial accounting of gas and oil production, leak detection during transportation
Boiler house It is used as an ultrasonic water flow meter and for commercial metering of thermal energy consumption

The device of ultrasonic flowmeters and the principle of their operation

An acoustic flowmeter is a counter of the ultrasonic principle of operation. His work is based on measurements of ultrasound return rates. The latter moves in the same direction with the medium faster than in the opposite direction. Two sensors mounted on the tube simultaneously send and record the time of receiving ultrasonic pulses. When the pipeline movement is stopped, the sensors will receive the signal at the same time. As the substance moves through the pipeline, the waves will return to the sensors at different times. The volume of flow of the measured medium is directly dependent on the difference in the time of reception of signals by sensors.

Features of ultrasonic flowmeters of various brands

There are quite a few different acoustic devices on the market of measuring equipment. It is necessary to understand how one ultrasonic gas flow meter may differ from another. According to the method of determining the flow rate of the medium, there are:

  • Using the principles of moving ultrasonic vibrations of the transported medium;
  • Determining the flow rate due to the Doppler effect;
  • Cross-correlation flowmeters that determine the velocity of a liquid in layers.

According to the type of sensors, flowmeters are divided into:

  • Mortise. Calibrated at the factory, they determine the flow rate dispersely accurately;
  • Invoices are used without installation.

According to the method of execution:

  • Mobile - with the possibility of operational measurements of volume flow;
  • Stationary - used in the inspection of pipelines.

Where to buy an ultrasonic flow meter in Moscow

Which ultrasonic flow meter to buy is ultimately up to the buyer.

The SALUTECH store has a wide range of regular customers who have managed to evaluate the advantages of the company:

  • An extensive range of technological equipment;
  • Favorable selling prices;
  • Delivery by a transport company and Russian Post by region;
  • Guarantees of the equipment manufacturer;
  • The manager is always ready to advise you.