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Vortex flow meters
  • All categories
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  • Vibration motors
  • Hydraulics
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Vortex flow meters


Vortex flowmeters are one of the varieties of flow measurement devices that are quite multifunctional based on the principle of their operation. They are used both in commercial and technological accounting of the consumption of media such as gas, steam, compressed air and oxygen, as well as hydrogen. Vortex flowmeters can also take into account the flow rate of a flowing liquid medium, water or a viscous liquid, such as oil.

The principle of operation of the vortex flow meter

The environment is taken into account by achieving the effect of a "pocket track". The measured medium flowing inside the device encounters an obstacle that contributes to the formation of vortices, the frequency of which allows you to calculate the velocity of the medium and translate them into mass and volume data. Devices based on the "Pocket" principle consist of a flow part with a flanged or screw connection, a flow body, pulsation sensors and transducers.

Flanged connections support different pipe diameters, which expands the possibilities of using vortex flow meters.

The Salutech company has flow meters from the following manufacturers on sale:

  • Emerson
  • Endress Hauser