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Temperature controllers
  • All categories
  • Automation
  • Vibration motors
  • Hydraulics
  • Sensors
  • Valves
  • Compressors
  • Pumps
  • Drives
  • Food valves
  • Heat exchangers

Temperature controllers


Direct-acting temperature controllers perform flow control without the need for electrical or pneumatic power supply depending on the temperature.

Choosing the valve size

Hydraulic temperature regulators are direct-acting regulators that do not require the use of electrical energy for their operation.

The driving force is the force generated by the expanding liquid that fills the drive-controller-sensor system.

Direct-acting temperature controllers are used to maintain a set temperature in pipelines and tanks, etc.

Compared with electronic direct–acting temperature controllers, they do not have high speed - their inertia, that is, the delay in operation after a change in the temperature of the controlled medium, averages 20-50 C.

Hydraulically controlled temperature controls. Direct-acting temperature controllers consist of a control valve and a thermostatic element with a thermal sensor (thermoball). The thermal sensor is connected to the thermoelectric element by a capillary tube from 1 to 5 m

They are used in heating, ventilation, shipbuilding, water supply, etc.

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