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Seat valves
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Seat valves

Alfa Laval SMP-BC anti-mixing valve
Alfa Laval SMP-BC anti-mixing valve
Alfa Laval SMP-BCA anti-mixing valve
Alfa Laval SMP-BCA anti-mixing valve

Single and double seat valves made of stainless steel

Stainless steel seat valves are mainly used in the food industry to remotely control the flow of food and detergents.

What is the difference in the design of valves in sanitary design?

Sanitary seat valves are angular, double, movable and pneumatic, and are made of AISI304 /304L stainless steel in various versions and designs - for welding, threaded and for clamp.

Types of seat valves and their advantages:

Single seat valves They are highly reliable with a hygienic design and serve to lock or change the direction of liquid flow.
>Two-seat valves They have several independent saddles and are indispensable for reliable product separation.

The Salutech company will select the necessary valves.

Scope of application:

Single- and double-seat valves in aseptic design are used in sterile processes in the following industries:

  • chemical industry;
  • pharmaceutical industry;
  • food industry;
  • biotechnology.

Aseptic valves are used in the production of especially pure water, high-purity chemical media, products in the field of pharmacology, biotechnology, food processing and chemistry, CIP\SIP purification systems, sterilization and autoclave treatment.

This type of valve is also successfully used as control valves in sterile environments.

Two-seat control valves are installed in places for guaranteed product separation and mandatory connection of pipelines to each other. They have an intermediate cavity with a connection to the environment, through which, in case of a sealing defect, the product protrudes outward, excluding mixing of products.

The housings of the two-seat valves are made of a single part and are stable to deformation.

The pneumatic actuators of such valves at the installation site can be changed in the direction of action, i.e. by spring - opening or spring - closing.

Valves of this type are installed in many enterprises, in dairies, breweries, and enterprises producing soft drinks.

Evaluate the quality of sanitary valves. Call and order!