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Asynchronous servomotors KEB DM /DA
Asynchronous servomotors KEB DM /DA
Electric roller motor ABB M3RP
Electric roller motor ABB M3RP
Servo motor MCA MCA19S17T20B0 15623820
Servo motor MCA MCA19S17T20B0 15623820

A servo drive is a mechanical drive that has in its device a control unit, an electric motor and, most importantly, a special sensor that is able to track any parameter, for example, applied force, speed or position. The task of servos is to maintain the required parameters, as well as their control during operation of the device, which are set depending on the type of signal transmitted from the sensor in a certain specific period of time.

Industrial servo drive: device

The servo has a similar device to a standard electric motor, and its only distinguishing feature is the ability to set the exact degree value of the shaft position.

The servo device itself is quite simple and includes six main components:

  • Converter;
  • Potentiometer;
  • Shaft;
  • Gears;
  • Electric motor;
  • Power supply and control unit.

The principle of operation of the servo

Before buying a servo motor, it is important to know more about its operating principles. The principle of operation of the servo motor is not complicated: a control signal is sent to the servo itself via the connecting wire, which is pulses of variable width and constant frequency. When this signal is moved into the conducted circuit, the electric generator creates its own pulse, the size of which is determined using a potentiometer. The second half of the circuit analyzes each of the incoming signals and, in case of inconsistency, the servo is automatically connected to the system. When the pulses are equivalent, the electric motor stops its operation.

In the case when the servo is still connected to work, based on the parameters of the incoming pulses, the device independently sets the operating mode of the electric motor and the speed of the shaft.

The field of application of servos

Servos, by their very nature, have become widespread in a huge number of spheres of human activity. The servo, whose price is the lowest in the market, can be found in valves, valves and even expensive children's toys.

The servo motor, whose price is much higher, can be found in a variety of precision instruments, industrial robotic systems and even in the aircraft modeling field.

The average price segment, as a rule, can be found in household appliances, vending machines, industrial equipment and machine tools running on software.

Where can I buy a servo?

If you want to buy a high–quality servo drive with all quality certificates, welcome to buy at Salutech! Here you will find a huge variety of servomotors of all types, various applications, principles of operation and much more. Our catalog contains over 600 different models of devices, as well as all components and additional equipment to them. You can get a guarantee for all products from us and order delivery to all cities of Russia and Belarus!

A convenient calculation system, a huge selection of goods for various purposes, highly qualified staff and an individual approach to each client – all this is Salutech!

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