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Electric motor YB3200M4/37kW/1500ob/min/1081

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Vendor code:YB3200M4/37кВт/1500/1081
Electric motor YB3200M4/37kW/1500ob/min/1081
Power, kW:
Rotation speed, rpm
Dimensions, mm
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The widespread use of asynchronous AIR 80 electric motors is explained by its proven reliability, simplicity of design and a variety of modifications with different power characteristics. These models can be found in all industries, agriculture, utilities, etc.

Structure of the AIR 80 electric motor
The AIR 80 is an industrial AC electric motor connected to a three-phase network. There is a modification of the AIRE 80 C2, which is equipped with a capacitor and has the ability to operate from a 220V network.
Asynchronous electric motors of this type can be produced in a light duralumin shell or in heavier flanged and combined versions.
The internal structure of the unit is represented by a rotor, which is directly involved in rotation, and a stator, in the form of a fixed motor housing with special niches, where the stator winding is laid in coils. The connection of the phases of the stator winding inside the motor can be realized in the form of a "triangle" or "star". An electric current is applied to these windings, which creates a rotating magnetic field.

Features of operation
The AIR 80 units are designed for operation in S1 mode, which provides for long-term continuous operation. The main feature of this type of motor in such conditions is its high resistance to overheating. It is not adapted for operation in the mode of low-power engines, which are designed for short-term or repeated short-term shutdown. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that frequent switching on and off contributes to rapid wear of components and can cause engine failure.

Available modifications
The division of the line into different models with different power indicators became possible due to a change in the number of poles, which directly affect the speed of rotation of the rotor. The entire AIR 80 model range is characterized by external dimensions of 300x180x160mm. And the weight and power indicators vary depending on the model that you need to choose when buying an electric motor:

  • AIR 80A2 with a power of 1.5kW, 3000 rpm and a weight of 13 kg;
  • AIR 80A4 with a power of 1.1kW, 1500 rpm and a weight of 14 kg;
  • AIR 80A6 with a power of 0.75kW, 1000 rpm and a weight of 14 kg;
  • AIR 80A8 with a power of 0.37kW, 750 rpm and a weight of 13.5 kg;
  • AIR 80V2 with a power of 2.2kW, 3000 rpm and a weight of 15 kg;
  • AIR 80V4 with a power of 1.5kW, 1500 rpm and a weight of 16 kg;
  • AIR 80V6 with a power of 1.1kW, 1000 rpm and a weight of 16 kg;
  • AIR 80V8 with a power of 0.55kW, 7500 rpm and a weight of 15.7 kg.

For ease of installation, the manufacturer provides several mounting options: on paws, on paws with a flanged mechanism and simply with a flanged mechanism.

Power, kW:
Rotation speed, rpm
Dimensions, mm
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