The AIR 112 series refers to asynchronous three-phase DC electric motors of general industrial design. Depending on the power and speed of the shaft, they are produced in 4 modifications: AIR 56A2, AIR 56 A4, AIR 56B2 and AIR 56B4. They are used in drives of machines, machine tools and mechanisms in various sectors of the national economy.
Available modifications
AIR 112M2, AIR 112 M4, AIR 112MA6, AIR 112MA8, AIR 112 MV6 and AIR 112 MV8 are models of the AIR 112 series of electric motors that have found application in the assembly of compressor equipment, pumps, industrial fans and other equipment, whose power does not exceed 7.5 kW and current 15 A, depending on the model used.
Decoding the marking
- AIR – engine series (A – asynchronous, I – Interelectro development, P – power binding to installation and connection dimensions according to RS3031-71) ;
- 112 – height of the axis of rotation in mm;
The engines are available at a voltage of 22
Power, kW:
Rotation speed, rpm
Dimensions, mm
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