Multi-speed electric motors manufactured by the company WAY The W21/W22 series allow you to adjust the rotation speed as it increases, respectively, they are used as drives using multi-stage rotation frequency control. As a rule, the design scheme of multi-speed electric motors of the brand WAY It includes a standard single-speed electric motor equipped with a special stator winding and a special rotor device. At the same time, two independent windings are installed on the stator itself. In addition, in the company's multi-speed electric motors WAY A scheme can be used in which one winding creates two different poles. In those cases when it comes to three–speed models, not three, but two windings are used, one of which gives two modes, and the second - the third. Accordingly, to obtain four modes, two independent windings are needed, each of which creates two different poles, which ensures switching between four tempos.
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