Electric motors of the G series are a series of general industrial direct current electric motors by Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali (Niedec ASI) of low and medium power. The main applications of G series DC motors are electric drives of crane equipment, extruders, printing machines, rubber mixers, calenders, peeling machines, metalworking machines, metal rolling mills, backup units in the electric power industry.
Features and characteristics of Ansaldo G series electric motors
- high level of reliability throughout the entire life cycle;
- high efficiency and low maintenance costs;
- high specific power and operating torque with compact dimensions;
- ideal switching of the brush collector assembly over the entire speed range;
- drive shafts made of certified high-quality steel;
- the best technology for applying insulating materials on the market;
- the flexibility of the modular design and a wide range of options;
- extended temperature mode of operation.
Regarding the selection of Ansaldo DC electric motors, please contact us by phone saluteh. In case of critical deadlines You may be offered similar DC electric machines T-T Electric.
Parameters of Ansaldo G Series DC electric motors
- Rated power: up to 230 kW;
- Supply voltage: up to 600 V;
- Overall height: 80 – 200 mm;
- Rated speed: up to 6000 rpm;
- Degree of protection: IP23, IP44, IP54, IP55 (optional);
- Cooling method: IC06, IC16, IC17, IC36, IC37, IC410, IC610, IC666, IC86W;
- Insulation class: H;
- Temperature regime: up to 110°C;
Standard sizes: G80S, G80M, G80L, G80G, G100S, G100M, G100L, G100G, G112S, G112M, G112L, G112G, G132S, G132M, G132L, G132G, G160M, G160L, G160G, G160X, G180SK, G180MK, G180LK, G180PK, G200S, G200M, G200L, G200P, G200SK, G200MK, G200LK, G200PK.