The vibrator is explosion-proof EVV-0,5-50 – a device designed to create vibration vibrations on various equipment used in the gas, chemical, and oil refining industries. The vibrator is often used for the purpose of compacting concrete mixtures, sieving and dewatering sand and gravel compositions. Its feature is the presence of an explosion-proof shell. This allows the use of EVV-0.5-50 in industrial sectors with a high risk of fire. The housing withstands high pressure, eliminating the possibility of an explosion inside.
The principle of operation
Explosion-proof vibrator EVV-0,5-50 – a device that is an asynchronous motor. A voltage of 380 V is required for its operation. The power consumption is 0.5 kW, the oscillation frequency reaches 3000 per minute, the generated forced force can range from 2 to 5.0 kN. The device weighs 15 kilograms, which makes it convenient to use. The unbalances located at the ends of the shaft can be adjusted in three positions