Compliance with the technology of wire rod drawing and annealing in the cable industry is the key to the continuity of the technological process and the high quality of the products produced. Ensuring the stability of the supplied current and voltage to the wire rod lugs allows manufacturers to provide the required values of elongation, electrical resistance, strength, and uniformity of the surface of the core.
Buy or order copper graphite brushes at an affordable price, you can already do it today by contacting our engineers.
Our company together with the company Morgan AM&T (the world leader in the production of copper graphite materials and brushes) pays great attention to the current transfer process in drawing and annealing technology. Already today, our copper graphite and bronzographite brushes made of CM2 materials are used in many cable factories in Russia / CM3H / CM5H.These materials Morgan AM&T they provide the necessary current density, minimal wear of the contact surface of the portage, and have the best cost/service life ratio.
Through the joint efforts of our engineers and technical services of the enterprises, we managed to form an internal warehouse of copper graphite and bronzographite brushes suitable for extrusion and drawing equipment Nextrom, Nokia Maillefer, Sket, Samp, Niehoff, Henrich, Digep, De Angeli, Rosendahl.
Regarding the selection of copper graphite and bronze graphite brushes for drawing machines, please contact our engineers by phone saluteh.