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Vibration motor pad Oli MVE 1200-060

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Vendor code:200023879
Vibration motor pad Oli MVE 1200-060
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Pad vibrators Was the MVE 1200-060 series. In modern construction, the issue of compaction of concrete mix does not lose its relevance. The demand for concrete mortar in the manufacture of monolithic concrete structures is great – it is used when pouring into the formwork or shapes of such key elements of the object as the foundation, floor, slabs, wall panels and partitions. During the preparation of the concrete mortar, a certain amount of air inevitably enters it. Air bubbles in the mixture have a negative effect on the strength characteristics of concrete and, accordingly, on the durability of the structure, since they increase its porosity. To remove air from the concrete solution, it is necessary to seal the mixture, vibration is recognized as the most effective method of sealing. Such construction equipment as an industrial vibrator is designed for this purpose. In this case, the vibration can be deep – the vibrator is immersed directly into the concrete, external – the vibrator is attached to the mold or formwork inside which the solution is located, or surface – a special vibrating rack or vibration compactor is installed on the surface to be vibrated. During operation, the construction vibrator transmits directional or circular high-frequency vibrations of small amplitude to the particles of the concrete mixture. As a result of vibration, air bubbles are displaced, and the components of the concrete mortar tend to occupy a compact and stable location, internal friction between them decreases, the mixture condenses and liquefies, becomes fluid.
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