The EV-320 site vibrator is a compact, low–power device used for domestic purposes to ensure the shrinkage of liquid concrete when pouring foundations for country houses, cottages, homesteads. The EV-320 vibrator consumes only 0.2 kW of electricity per hour of operation, which makes its use economical. The machine allows you to conveniently sift building mixes for plastering, in the production of paving slabs. For this model of vibration equipment to work, it is necessary to connect to a 380 Watt network.
The principle of operation
The EV-320 vibrator consists of an electric motor equipped with a short-circuited rotor, bearings, stator and unbalances. The structure is made of aluminum alloy, which ensures its light weight – only 4 kilograms. Protective covers protect the product from construction debris and moisture. Reliable devices are designed for 900 hours of operation.