We offer our customers the IV-23-16 device, which has passed all the necessary safety checks and meets even the highest GOST requirements. This vibrator will last you a very long time.
It should be known that such models are not recommended to be used at an altitude of more than 1 km. IV-23-16 is not operated in an explosive environment, it should be protected from the effects of aggressive vapors and gases. Such a vibrator should not be used at either too cold or too warm temperatures.
The main properties of the vibrator IV-23-16:
- the engine is characterized by very high power,
- large bearing capacity,
- the frame is additionally reinforced with stiffeners,
- the IV-23-16 model is protected from contamination and moisture ingress,
- the ability to operate in a hard mode,
- the vibrator can be installed at an angle,
- the driving force is very easily adjustable,
- it is comparable in quality with imported analogues, but more affordable.