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VEGAMET 391 MET391.XXHXX Signal Generation Device

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Vendor code:MET391.XXHXX
VEGAMET 391 MET391.XXHXX Signal Generation Device
Power Supply, In
Output signal, mA
Degree of IP protection
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The VEGAMET 391 universal device is designed for a variety of applications

management and control tasks such as level and pressure measurement,

status registration and remote survey. The device is connected to

one sensor with an output of 4...20mA. VEGAMET 381 can also perform the function

the power supply for the connected sensor. A variety of functions

the settings allow you to adapt the device to individual conditions

applications. It is possible to recalculate and linearize the measured value for

indications on the built-in display. Through the current output, the measured value

It can also be transmitted to an external display device or to the system

top-level management. For limit level signaling and

There are six controls for pumps and other actuators

working relays. When using the sixth relay as a signal relay

malfunctions, the number of working relays is reduced to five. If available

additional interference

Power Supply, In
Output signal, mA
Degree of IP protection
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