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Vibration platform EV-262 IV-98B 220 (with RCD)

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Vendor code:ЭВ-262 ИВ-98Б 220 (с УЗО)
Vibration platform EV-262 IV-98B 220 (with RCD)
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Power consumption, kW 0,9
Rated power, kW 0,55
Rated voltage, V 42 or 220 (RCD)
Rated current frequency, Hz 50
Static moment, kg-cm 5,7…11,3
Overall dimensions, mm 920x530x320
Weight, kg 40
Price, including VAT, 42B 11500
Price, including VAT, 220V 12100

The vibrating platform consists of a plate, which is its working part, and a general-purpose electromechanical vibrator with circular vibrations VI-98 installed on it, which is a three-phase asynchronous electric motor with a short-circuited rotor with unbalances installed at the ends of the rotor shaft. The unbalances, rotating with the rotor shaft, create a driving force.

To regulate the magnitude of the driving force of the vibrator, the unbalances at both ends of the shaft are double. The adjustment is carried out by changing the angle between the movable and fixed unbalances at both ends of the shaft.

The vibration platform can work with an adjustable electronic frequency converter, which allows you to change the vibration frequency from 0 to 1.5 nominal, within the permissible value of the driving force, save electricity, limit starting currents, choose the optimal mode of operation.

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