Ari-Armaturen manual actuator for control valves request an offer via the saluteh online showcase in the assortment. Free delivery to the shopping center is waiting for you.
Code No. Do Valve Type Rod stroke
9300002001 DU 15- 32 470 20 mm
9300002001 DU 15- 50 405;440;445;450 20 mm
9300000001 DU 15- 32 460;471 20 mm
9300000001 DU 15- 50 441;446;451 20 mm
9300100001 DN 40- 65 460;470;471 30 mm
9300100001 DN 65-100 441;446;451 30 mm
9300200001 DN 80-125 460 50 mm
9300210011 DN 65-100 405;440;445;450 30 mm
9300210011 DN 80-100 471 30 mm
9300211011 DN 80-100 470
9300211011 Du125-150 450 distributions 65 mm
9300211041 Du125-150 405;470;471;450 mixing 65 mm
9300201051 Du125-150 451 30 mm
9300201051 DN150-250 460 30 mm
9300201051 DU200-250 462;463 30 mm