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Collapsible plate heat exchangers

Plate heat exchanger GC-051P
Plate heat exchanger GC-054N
Plate heat exchanger GC-054P
Plate heat exchanger GC-060P
Gea NF Plate Heat Exchanger
Plate heat exchanger NT50-S97342211-10
Plate heat exchanger NT50-S97342211-10

Collapsible plate heat exchangers allow efficient regulation of heat transfer between media

Some technologies require rapid heat transfer between media. A similar heat transfer mechanism is used in the chemical industry, in the automotive industry, in housing and communal services and in the food industry (for pasteurization or cooling of beer or dairy products).

What is a collapsible plate heat exchanger?

The technology of rapid heat transfer using metal plates located between different temperature media has been used for many years. But, due to high efficiency, the principle of operation of collapsible plate heat exchangers has remained unchanged.

The cooling process takes place in this way: liquids with different temperatures flow towards each other through the plates of the device. The more plates there are, the faster the heating/cooling of liquids takes place.

Such surface-type heat exchangers are used to organize heat exchange both between liquid media and in liquid-vapor media. Thin corrugated plates, being natural flow turbulators, significantly increase the efficiency of heat transfer.

The use of rubber seals ensures complete tightness of the channels and uniform distribution of heat carriers through them.

Collapsible plate heat exchangers They can be made of different materials, depending on the purpose of the device. The scope of application of this type of heat exchangers is very wide.

Housing and communal services It is used in heating and ventilation systems
Mechanical engineering and automotive industry

It is used for cooling used oils, paints, various liquids

Chemical and food industry It is used for sterilization and pasteurization of liquids, cooling of various solutions and mixtures

The plates used in them are embossed. When the liquid forms vortices when flowing through the relief plate, that is, it mixes, heat transfer is significantly accelerated.

Of course, such equipment must be cleaned periodically. Otherwise, the device will quickly become unusable, and undesirable impurities will appear in the liquids passed through it.

A necessary element of the maintenance of heat exchangers is their cleaning from contamination. Cleaning of the heat exchanger can be:

  • chemical. The heat exchanger is rinsed with a cleaning agent, which must be selected according to the type of material from which the plates are made.
  • mechanical. The plates are disassembled and washed with a jet of water.
  • comprehensive. It is used in the case when only chemical or only mechanical washing method is no longer sufficient.

The heat exchanger must be selected correctly

To make the right choice, you need to make certain calculations. Salutech specialists will help you do everything right. After all, it depends on whether they are selected correctly collapsible plate heat exchangers, the efficiency of the system depends. The ambient temperature resulting from the use of an incorrectly selected heat exchanger may be too low or too high.

On the website of the Salutech company you will find products from the best manufacturers at affordable prices.
Call the phone number listed on the website, we will help you choose the right model and deliver the purchase to any city in the country.